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Help Topics — For Filmmakers

Dropbox Install

Below are some Youtube video’s we found which may help you with installing Dropbox, plus our notes which help optimize it for usage with…

Basic 5 Steps to Using AutoDCP

Covered Items What is a DCP and why are they used?  FilmMaker Tutorials Requirements Activating Making a DCP Uploading an existing DCP Delivering a…

Dropbox Syncing?

Copying your DCP into your Dropbox/Apps/AutoDCP/dcps folder and AutoDCP does not see it, or shows it as invalid with missing files?   Or simply needing…

Has my festival received my DCP?

If you use AutoDCP eDelivery to send your DCP to a festival it will send you an email receipt confirming the delivery. You can…


Is your DCP with SimpleDCP? SAVE LOTS OF TIME.  You can now transfer your DCP directly to the festival without first downloading and re-uploading.…


AutoDCP Digital Delivery Serivces. Overview Studio Supported Services Paypal Subscription & Canceling Key benefits e-delivery is a monthly subscription service use it to delivery…

How long does it take to make a DCP?

AutoDCP is probably the fastest DCP encoding service in the professional post production world today.   Although you may expect rapid service if you…

User Guide

About AutoDCP AutoDCP is a cloud-based tool for automatically creating DCPs from your content. It allows you to simply and automatically create correctly configured…

Quick Start Guide

Go to and click on “Activate”.  Here’s a shortcut to the button.   (NOTE: You’ll need a Dropbox account to use AutoDCP.) Once…

How to Make a DCP for Free.

Did you know you can make a DCP for Free with AutoDCP? It’s pretty easy, just follow these steps. If you have not yet…

Help Topics — For Festivals

Delivering DCP’s to yourself

If you are running a festival and using AutoDCP, ideally you want your filmmakers to deliver DCP’s to you via step #5 of the…

Dropbox Install

Below are some Youtube video’s we found which may help you with installing Dropbox, plus our notes which help optimize it for usage with…

Quick Festival Setup instructions

Did you know AutoDCP can give money back to the festival?   We do so via our affiliate program. Learn more about the AutoDCP affiliate…

How do festivals use AutoDCP?

AutoDCP can help the festival with handling all its DCPs, whether your filmmakers need to make a DCP or if they have one ready…

Basic 5 Steps to Using AutoDCP

Covered Items What is a DCP and why are they used?  FilmMaker Tutorials Requirements Activating Making a DCP Uploading an existing DCP Delivering a…

Making a Show Drive — Video

This is the last step, copying your DCP to an external drive so you can give it to your projectionist for playback. Be aware…

Festival Runner’s Guide to DCP’s

Click to learn how AutoDCP works.This is a quick start guide to help festival runner’s understand the DCP–which has become the industry norm for…