Is your DCP with SimpleDCP?

SAVE LOTS OF TIME.  You can now transfer your DCP directly to the festival without first downloading and re-uploading.

AutoDCP is a cloud based service which integrates very well with other cloud based services such as Massive (MASV).   SimpleDCP has added support for MASV which now lets you very easily and quickly deliver your content using the combined services of MASV and AutoDCP edelivery.

Here’s how:

  1. Request your DCP from SimpleDCP
    • From the email, click download link
    • You’ll be given the option to Download ALL (as imaged), click the small dropdown arror
    • Select “Save to Dropbox”
    • MASV will transfer your DCP directly to your Dropbox account
  2. Upon completion of the transfer, move the folder that MASV transfered from its folder apps/MASV/FOLDERNAME to apps/Autodcp/dcps/FOLDERNAME
  3. Use AutoDCP edelivery from your “My DCP’s” portal as usual