Quick Festival Setup instructions

Did you know AutoDCP can give money back to the festival?   We do so via our affiliate program.
Instructions on setting up a new festival in AutoDCP.
Did you know AutoDCP can give money back to the festival?   We do so via our affiliate program, to signup click this link.
  1. Login to AutoDCP
  2. Go to your ‘account info|managed festival’ page
  3. Hit the plus button to add a festival

Your festival is now ready to use.   Below are some quick tips on your next steps, or for a more thorough test of your festival, check out this page:  Testing your Festival, simulating a filmmaker signup and DCP delivery.

  1. once the festival is defined click the ’email’ icon to get the boilerplate letter, ie copy it
  2.  go over to filmfreeway and create a new letter their to “send to submttters” or whomever you wish to send there, and paste the boilerplate, edit as you see fit, and send it   I do suggest sending a test to yourself first before sending to the mass of people just to make sure things look good (or send to me and I can confirm the details….)

One caveat:   You are welcome to activate a festival anytime, however if you plan on becoming an affiliate as well, make sure to enter your affiliate ID into the AFN field for the festival BEFORE you send your letters to your filmmakers, otherwise your affiliate account will not get credited.   We suggest setting up and getting approved as an affiliate before setting up the festival to avoid this problem.

Managed Festival Page Quick View:

  • Festival Dashboard:  Shows the list of filmmakers who are participating in your festival, aka those who have clicked your signup link
  • Filmmaker Welcome ‘boilerplate’ letter:  Go get your filmmaker welcome letter with instructions your filmmakers will need in order to use AutoDCP.   Your festival signup link is located in this letter.  This letter is suitable for Filmfreeway or other mailing tools like mailchip, madmimi, mailster, etc.
  • Projection Report:  As filmmakers submit their DCPs, this report will list the details about each of the submissions.  You should download this report, sort it into the order you wish for your show, and give it to the projectionist.   The projectionist will need “Film Title” and all columns preceded by “CPL_”, in order for them to load your show into their Theater Management System (TMS).
  • Edit:   Edit the festival details, name, overall due date, its logo, etc.

If you are already an affiliate, just the festival setup process.

Complete video setting up a festival, from affiliate signup, festival creation, and instructional letter creation within Filmfreeway
