AutoDCP can help the festival with handling all its DCPs, whether your filmmakers need to make a DCP or if they have one ready already.  Below are the three senarios.

All of the below relies on a very powerful feature of Dropbox, aka the Dropbox app.   Instead of visiting the website, the Dropbox app eliminates the need for you to upload or download any files yourself.   The Dropbox app silently sync’s your local Dropbox folder with your cloud Dropbox account.   Skip the headache of downloading these LARGE DCPs manually, use the Dropbox App instead.  Once it is set up and working its just works and eliminates all that stress of last minutes uploads and downloads.    But set up the Dropbox app in the beginning, DCP’s are still huge, and still take lots of time to sync, even if Dropbox is doing it silently in the background.   You can get the Dropbox app here:

Filmmaker uses AutoDCP to make a DCP.

  1. Filmmaker installs Dropbox app on their computer
  2. Filmmaker activates AutoDCP’s Dropbox app. (No cost to the filmmaker)
  3. Filmmaker copies their source to their Dropbox folder and then uses AutoDCP to make a DCP (filmmaker pays $5/minute)
  4. Filmmaker use AutoDCP tools to deliver DCP to the festival (DCP is validated and delivered to Festival dropbox folder, filmmaker pays $10)

Filmmaker has an existing DCP and does not need to make another one.

  1. Filmmaker installs Dropbox app on their computer.
  2. Filmmaker activates AutoDCP’s Dropbox app. (no cost to the filmmaker)
  3. Filmmaker copies their DCP to their Dropbox folder (no cost to the filmmakers)
  4. Filmmaker use AutoDCP tools to deliver DCP to the festival (DCP is validated and delivered to Festival dropbox folder, filmmaker pays $10)

The festival has existing DCP’s from filmmakers previously delivered, or being delivered using other methods.

  1. In short, you simply think of this as the festival delivering the DCP to itself, using the festival Dropbox account. Festival installs Dropbox app on their computer
  2. Festival activates the AutoDCP Dropbox app (no cost)
  3. Festival coipes the DCP to their Dropbox folder on their desktop (again no cost)
  4. Festival uses AutoDCP tools to deliver the DCP to itself (no costs)

Using any of the above methods makes several things simpler including:

  1. All DCPs’ end up organized in a single folder which is easy to copy to an external drive for delivery to the theater
  2. All DCP’s are checked for errors, ie ensuring that there are no suprises when you go to the theater
  3. A list of shows and their metadata is generated which is helpful for the theater in setting up the shows is also generated.
  4. AutoDCP of course handles support items for all your filmmakers who have questions about making or delivering DCP’s using its tools. We do this via a well organized support portal. In short you simply tell the filmmaker to ask us for help via We are very fast and of course experienced in handling their questions.

Its pretty easy to set you up as a festival, but it does require that you make sure to install the Dropbox app, more specifically you need the following:

  1. Dropbox pro (their free version is too small):
  2. Dropbox app installed on your computer:
  3. An external HDD big enough to hold all your DCPs with Dropbox configured to sync to it:

All of the above relies on a very powerful feature of Dropbox, aka the Dropbox app.   Instead of visiting the website, this utility eliminates the need for you to upload or download any files yourself.   The Dropbox app silently sync’s your local Dropbox folder with your cloud Dropbox account.   Skip the headache of download these LARGE DCPs manually, use the Dropbox App instead.  Once it is set up and working its just works and eliminates all that stress of last minutes uploads and downloads.
