
Basic 5 Steps to Using AutoDCP

folder_openfestival management, FirstTimeInfo, Help
Covered Items What is a DCP and why are they used?  FilmMaker Tutorials Requirements Activating Making a DCP Copying a previously made DCP into your Dropbox account Delivering a DCP to your Festival (all filmmakers must complete this step) Showrunner…

Has my festival received my DCP?

If you use AutoDCP eDelivery to send your DCP to a festival it will send you an email receipt confirming the delivery. You can also confirm receipt by the following: Log into your AutoDCP account Go to your User Account…

File a Support Ticket

Can’t figure it out? File a support ticket by clicking the below button.  Please note you’ll need to be a registered user. Create a Support TicketYoutube Videos on AutoDCPTopics for FilmmakersTopics for FestivalsinfoHelp Topics — For FilmmakersinfoHelp Topics — For…


AutoDCP Digital Delivery Serivces. Overview Studio Supported Services Paypal Subscription & Canceling Key benefits e-delivery is a monthly subscription service use it to delivery your DCP’s to supporting festivals free DCP redo’s no questions asked.   If you need to redo…

Source Requirements for Theatrical Playback

Best practices Making a DCP with AutoDCP is easy.   Take your source, drop it in your dropbox account and voila your source is converted into a DCP for playback at any DCI equipped theater.   AutoDCP supports many source formats, and…

Common mistakes when making a DCP, a must read.

Here’s a short check list to insure your get the best you can out of AutoDCP. Depending on the aspect of your movie, make sure your source is of the right resolution.  Here’s are the important numbers 2.39 Aspect (most…

Quick Start Guide

Go to autodcp.com and click on “Activate”.  Here’s a shortcut to the button.   (NOTE: You’ll need a Dropbox account to use AutoDCP.) Once you’ve successfully activated AutoDCP, the Dropbox will create an AutoDCP folder in your Dropbox account  (Dropbox/Apps/Autodcp.) …
Brian Quandt

Jeanette DePatie

Jeanette DePatie Boardmember Professional techsplainer, producer and entrepreneur working with major Hollywood Studios and tech unicorns like Google, Twitter, Bianance and Sony. Former national board member of Producers Guild of America.
Brian Quandt

Tom Roach

Tom Roach Advisor 30 yrs M&E engineering experience–led teams that released all customer facing products as SVP at WB 2004-2018.

Do I have to unzip the DCP’s?

folder_openfestival, questionanswers
No.   Zip files are a pain, and prone to error with large files like DCPs.  In any case zipped DCPs can’t be used by a projectionist.   AutoDCP delivers the DCP as a collection of folders ready for playback by the…

6 Rules of Film Set Etiquette

folder_openBruce Logan, DP Corner
Film Set Etiquette: 6 Rules for When to Speak and When to Shut Up Nothing speaks more to your professionalism than the way you conduct yourself on set. I can’t tell you how many times I have cringed for certain…