Wrangling DCP’s for a festival, need help?

We get it!  We too are annoyed by the problems associated with sending large files electronically.   Working here in Hollywood for many years, we understand the challenges, and we understand it just needs to work.  Every time.  After all, the show must go on.

AutoDCP has made DCP creation easy for fimmakers! Simply drag your movie into the Dropbox account and that’s about it.   Now, we are debuting a super easy way for your filmmakers to ship they DCP’s once they are finished.  Which is great.  Because as you well know, receiving a pile of DCPs at the last minute can be stressful.   Ever had one of the following experiences:

  • running out of space unzipping a zipped DCP,
  • DCP not validating because an associated MXF was truncated upon sending,
  • missing files in the DCP, ie VOLINDEX, or any of the XML’s,
  • files inside the DCP renamed and now not matching what is recorded in the XML,
  • zipped DCP’s corrupted resulting in bad MXF’s, or orther critical files, or
  • uploading/downloading taking too long and too much hand-holding?

If you’ve ever felt such pain (or simply want to avoid ever feeling it again) just give us a call!

To e-deliver with AutoDCP,  the filmmakers simply select your festival from a list, click send and that’s all.  DCP’s are validated and all the magic happens behind the scenes without any additional stress on either the filmmaker or the festival.  It’s so easy!  Just check out THIS DEMO VIDEO.

And the best part?  This stress reduction process comes at no cost to you because THIS SERVICE IS FREE TO FESTIVALS.  Contact us directly to learn more, or feel free to signup by filling in this form.

Love to chat more. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Yours truly,
Eric Sauer, Development, Los Angeles CA
eric@autodcp.com, 818-395-3685

Want to learn more about the process?   Visit our e-delivery help page for filmmakers FOUND HERE.

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How long does it take to make a DCP?
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Source Requirements for Theatrical Playback

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