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A full working version is now included for free with AutoDCP’s e-delivery service.

Online Streaming (OTT) services.

Create your own private online screening room.

AutoDCP, with the help of STREAMINCINEMA and Nagra GO Live, is now offering a streaming platform that YOU can control.   This service is included at no additional cost as part of  AutoDCP’s existing ‘edelivery’ subscription services.   If you are a current subscriber to AutoDCP’s ‘edelivery’ you now have access to STREAMINCINEMA.

When you make a DCP with AutoDCP you now get both a DCP (which you may share with your festival using edelivery) and full access to the STREAMINCINEMA Nagra GO Live platform–a space where you can control your library of content available for streaming and invite people to your private online screening room.

YES, now you can create your own VOD theater–which you can monetize or simply use to spread the word about your great new movie.

How it works.


First you need make a DCP with AutoDCP.

Start as you normally would with AutoDCP, by making a DCP.   Now you’ll get both a DCP you can edeliver to your festival, AND an online (OTT) screening version which you control.

Don’t remember how to make a DCP with AutoDCP?  It’s as simple as taking your source and putting it into your Dropbox account.  There are numerous tutorials and and instructions you can find in our help pages.

Second, log into AutoDCP, and you’ll see there are now two new controls available to you.  (Check out the icons to the right for more details.)

This icon represents your shows.   Click this icon to control which of your shows are available to your screening room.    You can also edit the information about each show.   To edit the title, and description of your content simply click the pencil icon.   You can also control the availability of each piece of content to your screening room by clicking the icon that looks like an ‘eye.’   To control who has access to your screening room, click the audience icon (detailed below).

This icon represents the collection of people who have access to your screening room.   You may add or delete people from your audience by clicking the plus sign to add, them, or clicking their name to remove them.  You will invite people to your screening room using their email address. Once added, they will receive an email with instructions on how to view your show.

The default subscription limits you to 10 people in your screening room.   The platform however, can support a virtually unlimited number of audience members.   If you’d like to upgrade your subscription to accommodate a larger audience, please contact AutoDCP for more information.

