Do I need to require my filmmakers to use AutoDCP delivery methods?

No.   However we strongly encourage you to require that your filmmakers use our delivery tools.   It will save you much time!  If you need to take a DCP from a filmmaker which is not using our delivery tools to do it themselves you can still use our tools to QC the DCP as well as make sure it gets recorded in the projection report by following these steps.   Of course this put more burden on yourself, but this approach works just fine.  Here are the steps:

  1. Acquire the DCP however you like from the filmmaker
  2. Go follow the regular filmmaker delivery instruction as outlined here (steps 4 & 5 Festival Techops Training).   In short upload to your Dropbox/Apps/AutoDCP/dcps folder and deliver it to yourself.

This will both QC the DCP for you alerting you to any issues, as well as if it delivers will record it in the projection report which you will want for your projectionist.
