
Act Local Festivals

We are proud to support the UN’s Sustainability goals, also known as the SDGs 17


If you are an executive of a ‘for-profit’ company, or NGO with the role of ESG (Environmental, Social Governance) or DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion).


If you are a filmmaker who’s creating content and  have a sustainability, or SDGS 17 theme, we’d like offer our help.


If you are a festival which has a sustainability, or an SDGS 17 theme, we’d like offer our help.

Non Profits

If you are a ’cause’ oriented non-profit which fits into one of the 17 sustainability goals, we’d like to help you engage with local artists to create more local engagement.

Cinema & Movie Theatres

Are you lookiung to add more ‘events’ to your local programming, have you thought about working with festivals?

Welcome to our outreach efforts.

We are encouraging support and actively providing resources to those who are ultimately aiding the United Nations in what is known as the SDGS 17 (aka Sustainable Development Goals).

Our group has created a set of tools that empowers festivals and theaters worldwide to create local events in support of the SDGs.  The tools are made available as templated/whitepaper “recipe” books, apps, post production software, and theatrical distribution technologies, as well as access to the human resources and opportunities that our advisors and partners can provide.

We help bring the creative talent of filmmakers together with the festival event teams in support of ESG & DEI initiatives and of course utlimately the UN’s SDGS 17.

Ecosystem of interested parties.

The driving force of this effort will come out of the alignment of all stakeholders allowing everyone (for-profits and nonprofits alike) to benefit.  The SDGs need messaging at the local level.   Cinema theaters can act as the venue for local groups to host events.   Local artists (filmmakers), and regional artists are already creating content in support of such efforts.   Both local businesses and large businesses are looking to their own initiatives for good like Environmental, Social Governance (ESG), and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), and other corporate goals which will align well with the SDGs.   NGO’s, and local memberships of NGO’s need for members to talk and engage in conversations’ and events to promote their own efforts locally.   Festivals and filmmakers provide the coordination and content which drives the entire effort.

How to get involved.




Cinema Theatres

  • Join the facebook group conversations.
  • Learn about improved more cost effective distribution systems
    • contact one of our directors or
    • read up on efficient methods

Non Profits

Signup to the mailing list:

Representative Contacts
